A digital workplace only provides real added value if it is industry specific. Every organisation operates through carefully developed methods and processes that affect business automation’s supporting role. That is why we used the so-called 70-20-10 principle for Simac | Your Space. 70% of the workplace forms the foundation. This consists of standard aspects such as ease of use, user support and security. 20% of the workplace is industry-specific. Finally, the last 10% of the workplace is filled with the individual wishes of your organisation, such as applications and corporate identity.  

Digital workplace retail

Digital workplace for your industry

Simac specialises in the Retail, Healthcare and Utility, Transport & Industry sectors. We have suitable Your Space variants available for these sectors. The workplace has been developed in such a way that it can be used in different industries. An industry specific digital workplace supports your organisation and helps you to get ahead in your field.


The retail sector often uses shared devices and requires ease of login for many users without compromising security. Employees use a PDA or another mobile device to gain insight into stock, navigate their work and communicate with colleagues. Simac | Your Space allows you to bundle all functionalities in a single interface.  


Ease of login and security are also essential components of a digital workplace within the healthcare sector. Security is a particularly important factor in this, especially in combination with privacy legislation concerning client data. A care worker visits clients to provide them with the necessary care in their own environment. The healthcare sector wants to care, which is more important than ever in times like this. Your Space allows you to keep an overview of your planning, clients, client details, addresses and routes and communication with colleagues. 


Ease of login is just as important in the industry sector, but the link to the ERP system and the integration of AVD solutions are necessary. In distribution centres, this makes it possible, for example, to work with mobile phones on which particular applications are made available. Within Simac | Your Space, you can bundle your own selection of apps and download individual apps via the business app store.  

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